Substitute Teacher Information

Below, we've provided Seminole County Public Schools' (SCPS) substitute teacher qualifications, certification requirements, salary and other important information regarding this position.


To qualify for substitute teaching, a person shall provide a High School Diploma and be at least eighteen (18) years of age for issuance of a Seminole County Substitute Certificate.

Effective July 1, 2010 digital finger printing fees with a five year retention period will increase to $81.25. This fee is non-refundable!


Substitute teachers shall be eligible for or hold a valid Seminole County Substitute Certificate or a Florida Educator's Certificate and have it registered at the District office.


A substitute teacher's salary shall be in accordance with the salary schedule adopted by the School Board, provided, however, a substitute teacher who:

  • Remains in a position for more than ten (10) days and holds a Bachelor's or higher degree shall be paid beginning the eleventh day and thereafter at the daily rate for the verified degree level without credit for experience.

  • Remains in a position for more than ten (10) days and does not hold or has not verified a Bachelor's or higher degree shall be paid at the constant daily rate.

  • Is assigned in advance to a position for more than ten (10) days, shall be paid on the first day at the daily rate for the verified degree level without credit for experience.

Substitute Salary Scale:

Type of Certificate Full Day Rate One-Half Day Rate
Florida/District Substitute Certificate $105.00 $62.50
Florida/District Certificate Rank III/Bachelor's Degree $105.00 $62.50
Florida/District Certificate Rank II/Master's Degree $105.00 $62.50
SCPS Teacher: Retired/On leave/Job Sharing $105.00 $62.50
Instructional Substitutes in SED, TMH, PMH, Autistic,
$105.00 $62.50
Paraprofessional Substitute for ESE $112.50 $56.25
PreK Facilitator Substitute $112.50 $56.25
PreK paraprofessional Substitute $112.50 $56.25
revised 07/01/2022

Employment Requirements:

A substitute teacher shall possess or be eligible for a certificate prescribed in Subsection (2) herein to be employed for ten (10) or more consecutive days; provided, however, employment for thirty (30) or more consecutive days shall require the substitute teacher to hold a valid Florida Educator's Certificate or Bachelor's or higher degree with a major in the area of the teaching assignment or be ELIGIBLE (application on file at the Department of Education) for a State issued teaching certificate.

Renewal Requirements:

A substitute teacher may renew a Seminole County Substitute Certificate by allowing an inquiry into his/her criminal history and maintaining a valid SCPS Substitute Teacher Certificate or a valid Florida Educator's Certificate.


Sub Type Salary Benefits Certification Required
Substitute teacher employed daily cannot exceed thirty continuous work days Based on Rank None (only Medicare) Substitute Certificate, Temporary Certificate, or Professional Certificate
Long-Term Substitute Teacher, employed for a period of time greater than thirty days but less than 99 days Based on Rank of Certificate None (only Medicare) Substitute Certificate, Temporary Certificate, or Professional Certificate and prior teaching experience (Bachelor's or higher degree major in area assigned to teach)
As-Needed Teacher, employed for 99 days or greater Based on T-Base Negotiated Contract Full Benefits Temporary Certificate, or Professional Certificate

To apply to become a substitute, please visit the Careers page. Follow directions and apply to the continuous job opening for a Substitute Teacher. You will be notified via email of your current status and next steps to complete.

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