
Why Do We Need Prevention Programs And Activities?

Seminole County Public Schools staff work diligently to build collaborative partnerships between students, parents, teachers, and community. Together, they assess needs and resource to create a vision for development of ongoing effective prevention initiatives and programs. Please click on the link below to view the list of currently existing collaborations; District Wide Activities; and Initiatives.

SCPS is implementing evidence-based prevention programming and activities in all grade levels to help achieve this goal.


Awareness Campaigns:

Schools are supplied awareness instructional resources yearly.

Schools also have the option to participate in District Sponsored Initiatives promoting awareness, equal treatment for all, school climate change (Positive Behavior Support), and promoting Kindness.

Below are specifics regarding our PROACTIVE PREVENTION Initiatives:

  • Red Ribbon CampaignNational Red Ribbon Campaign: National Family Partnership sponsors this yearly in October and provides drug awareness. Since its beginning in 1985, the Red Ribbon campaign has touched the lives of millions of people around the world, as people began wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of drugs as harmful to our communities. Today, the Red Ribbon serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.
    SCPS partners with the Seminole County Sheriff's Department to conduct district wide activities, and a yearly contest.

  • R.A.K. it up!R.A.K. it up! Random Acts of Kindness Count: Bully Prevention Initiative in conjunction with Unity Day. Celebrated District Wide with Participating Schools. Unity Day is a Nationwide Movement to accept all.

  • Florida's PBISPositive Behavior Support: A Multi-Tiered Support System School wide, team-based approach that relies on common behavior expectations and rewards based on positive reinforcement. [email protected].

  • Digital Citizenship: Presented by FBI agents to High School/Middle School students in a large group format to provide students with information via Law Enforcement to help secure their digital footprint.

  • Bully Prevention: Initiative for schools to participate in Kindness activities to work toward eradication of Bullying in a proactive expression of positive reinforcement..

  • Speak Out Hotline: provides monitored services that allow students, parents, or community members to report concerns regarding drugs, weapons, bullying, harassment, violence, abuse, suicide, or anonymously by calling Crimeline: (1-800-423-8477), texting (274637) or reporting at, Speak-Out has contributed to the district's ability to be proactive in responding to situations.

  • UpStanders: Geared toward middle school students, the Holocaust Center in Maitland promotes a positive school environment: teaching students to become UpStanders rather than bystanders: and provides both field trips; resources and in school education.

  • Focus on Safety: Seminole County Sheriff' s Office: designed to educate students on the following topics: violence prevention, substance abuse, bullying (including cyber bullying) and character education. Seminole County Deputy Sheriffs/School Resource Officers teach to 5th grade elementary students. For additional information, contact the Seminole County Sheriff' s Office Juvenile Division (407-708-7640).

  • Challenge Day: - Provides youth and their communities with experiential workshops that demonstrate the possibility of love and connection through celebration of diversity, truth and full expression.

  • LEAD Program: Sponsored by The Center for Drug Free Living' s New Horizon' s project, provides students skills needed to make a positive difference in schools.

  • To Be Kind: Program promoting anti-bullying campaign that fosters positive actions to prevent bullying for all grade levels. or

  • N.O.P.E. program: Narcotics, Overdose, Prevention and Education (NOPE) Program - The cornerstone of the NOPE mission is the high-impact, multimedia presentation that is delivered to high school students.

  • MOCK DUI: The Seminole County Mock DUI program is presented to Seminole County public high school students, on a rotating year basis.

  • No One Eats AloneNo One Eats Alone: A student-led lunchtime event promoting social inclusion in schools, focusing on Middle Schools.

Care to become involved or donate to any of these Initiatives? Contact Siobhan Pitters, Assistant Principal Alternative Programs at 407-320-0552 or [email protected].


Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) engages in numerous collaborations for the safety of its students, staff, and visitors. Below are some of the many organizations we partner with.

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