Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) is the 13th largest school district in Florida and is 57th nationally with more than 63,000 students and nearly 7,000 employees. SCPS is a leader in education throughout Central Florida and the State and is widely recognized as a Premier National School District.
To ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be productive citizens.
Seminole County Public Schools will be the premier school district in the State of Florida and will be recognized nationally for high standards, academic performance and offering students customized educational pathways 24/7/365.
Points of Pride: SCPS was ranked an "A"-rated district by the Florida Department of Education for the 2021-2022 school year.
Employee Search: Searchable database of SCPS teachers and staff contact information.
Strategic Plan: SCPS Strategic Plan for continuous improvement and student success.
Fact Sheet: A quick guide to key SCPS information.
Leadership Directory: Contact information for SCPS leadership team members.
Organization Chart: Organizational structure of the SCPS leadership.
School Grades: Florida Department of Education issued grades for all SCPS schools.

Every student will graduate from high school prepared for the future as a lifelong learner and a responsible citizen.

All staff members will demonstrate high expectations for student’s learning and achievement.

Highly qualified, diverse, innovative, and enthusiastic teachers, administrators and support personnel will embody a growth mindset and be dedicated to the mission.