Elementary Region School Zones

2025-2026 On-Time Application Period January 1 - March 1

Only Specific Sanford & Lake Mary Addresses are located in an Elementary Region School Zone.

Families residing in an Elementary Region School Zone must submit a School Choice application for an elementary school assignment.

Most residential addresses are zoned to one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school and do not require an application. 

Check your elementary school zone using the SCPS School Zone Search!


NOTE: An Elementary Magnet application seat placement will result in the withdrawal of an Elementary Region School Zone application. 

Region 1

Bentley Elementary School logoIdyllwilde Elementary Future Ready Academy logoWilson Elementary School logo

Region 2

Bentley Elementary School logo

Crystal Lake Elementary School logo

Wicklow Elementary School for Global Pathways logo

Region 3

Hamilton Elementary School of Engineering and Technology logoMidway Elementary School of the Arts logoPine Crest Elementary Schook of Innovation logo

How to Apply

2025-2026 On-Time Application Period January 1 - March 1

  1. Submit the appropriate Elementary Region School Zone application based upon your address.
  1. Receive a school assignment email.
    • When you receive the school assignment email, ACCEPT the seat on your family dashboard. (Directions for How to Accept a Seat)
    • Even if assigned to your second or third choice school a family must enroll at the assigned school in order to remain in the wait pool for their first choice school.
  1. Complete the appropriate steps for enrollment.
  • Please contact your assigned school for enrollment assistance.
  • All school assignments have an enrollment deadline.
  • If the appropriate enrollment  process is not completed by the stated deadline, a new Elementary Region School Zone application is required.

Waitlist Management

How does the Waitlist work?

  • Families assigned to their second or third choice school will remain on the waitlist for their first choice school.
  • Waitlists are only maintained for first choice schools.
  • Parents/Guardians must enroll their child at the assigned school in order to remain on the waitlist for their first choice school.
  • Once the school year begins, a student must be in attendance at the assigned school in order to remain on the waitlist for their first choice school.
  • On-time applicants are placed prior to late applicants, as practicable.
  • Waitlists are maintained for one school year.
  • Families must reapply, beginning in January, to be eligible for a new school assignment the following year.
  • Families that are satisfied with their school assignment do not need to reapply in subsequent years.

An Elementary Magnet application seat placement will result in the withdrawal of an Elementary Region School Zone application. 

What to know about Elementary Region School Zones

Specific Sanford & Lake Mary Addresses Only

Families residing in an Elementary Region School Zone must submit a School Choice application for an elementary school assignment.

  • Families in these school zones must apply and receive a school assignment before they can enroll their student at an elementary region school.
  • Parents/Guardians designate by rank order their preference for their student among the schools located within the region.
  • Transportation is provided to all students who live more than 2 miles from their assigned region school.
  • There is a sibling link for students to attend the same Elementary Region School that his/her sibling currently attends and will continue to attend.
    • The new/incoming student is required to submit an application during the on time application period (January 1 - March 1).
    • Current students do not need to re-apply.

NOTE: An Elementary Magnet application seat placement will result in the withdrawal of an Elementary Region School Zone application. 

Most residential addresses are zoned to one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school and do not require an application. 

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