Apply Online Today | Volunteer Guidelines | FRS Retiree Acknowledgment
Please Note: This is not a mobile device application. It is a web based application form that must be completed through your phone browser or desktop browser. (Ex. Safari, Chrome, Edge)
Volunteer Programs
Dividends is the Volunteer Program for Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS).
NOTE: Retirees seeking to provide civic, charitable, and humanitarian services to the District during the first 12 calendar months following their retirement must meet the criteria listed in Board Policy 9200. Prior to completing a Dividends application, retirees must complete the FRS Retiree Acknowledgment form.
There are many opportunities available to both parents and community members to get involved, such as:
Classroom Volunteers go to a school on a regular basis to help individuals or small groups of students. Classroom Volunteers work directly under the supervision of a staff person. Volunteers can help all ages in many areas depending upon the discretion and needs of the school.
Connections Mentors:

Mentor Volunteers serve as positive role models to students who need another adult in their lives to help them set goals, attend school regularly, realize the importance of a high school diploma, and get their lives on track. They offer encouragement and a listening ear, usually meeting one-hour per week with the same student. Required training is provided and fingerprinting is required. Information needed for fingerprinting is shared following training.
District Volunteer:
Help support county events such as Teacher of the Year, Employee of the Year, Dividend of the Year, and SCPS Giving Tree holiday donation program. Email [email protected] for more information.
English as a Second Language (ESOL):
English as a Second Language Volunteers work with students who know little or no English. Many of these volunteers are bilingual, but that is not a prerequisite. Please contact the ESOL Department at 407.320.0202 for volunteer opportunities.
Growing Gardens:

Growing Gardens is a STEM based gardening program. Learn basic gardening skills and help support your school's outdoor classrooms. This program is supported by UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County. Required training is provided.
Healthy Hands:

Dividends Volunteers teach students basic hand washing skills and cold/flu prevention in a upbeat fun program (30 minutes). This program is supported by UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County. Required training is provided.
Living on My Own:

Living on My Own, a financial literacy program, is a hands-on, real-life simulation that gives middle school students the opportunity to experience their futures in a fun and exciting way. They are encouraged to make healthy and wise lifestyle choices similar to those adults face on a daily basis. It is designed to be a partnership among UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County, community partners, and Seminole County Public Schools Dividends volunteers.
Overnight Chaperone:
Some school approved activities include extended stays and overnight supervision by chaperones under the direction of school district staff. Dividends selected as Overnight Chaperones must be fingerprinted. Contact Community Involvement at [email protected], with field trip information and date of activity to receive information needed for fingerprinting.
Partners in Education:
Partners in Education (PIE) is a broad-based program which promotes business involvement in our schools. It is an exchange of human resources between a business and a school involving internships, tutoring, classroom presentations, job shadowing, student and or teacher recognition, field trips, student work displays, student competition judging, apprenticeships, or a customized program designed by a company and the partner school. Visit the Partners in Education site for more information.
RAP-Reading Acceleration Program:

RAP-Reading Acceleration Program Volunteers assist first grade students who are reading below grade level. Dividends volunteers tutor one student at a time for 30 minutes once a week. The students will be tested and appropriate materials will be provided prior to the beginning of the initial tutoring. Required training is provided and fingerprinting is required. Information needed for fingerprinting is shared following training.

Help shape and build the future. Step into a classroom to share great information with our students and teachers. Talk about your job or career, interesting travels, or your cool hobby! Open a door to a new life experience for our students. Teach-In for the 2024-2025 school year will take place on November 12, 2024.
Learn more about Teach-In.
Volunteer Coach:
Volunteer Coaches support our student athletes during practice and competition in selected sports under the direction of school district staff and coaches. Interested Dividends first contact the Athletic Director at the selected school for approval and request of additional required forms. Once completed documents are submitted to Dividends/Community Involvement, information needed for fingerprinting will be shared. Fingerprinting is required.