Listed below are the requirements you must meet to be eligible for a teaching position in Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS).
To Become a Teacher in Seminole County Public Schools you must:
Have at least a Bachelor's Degree and be eligible for certification by the State of Florida.
Check the position vacancies by viewing the employment opportunities on the SCPS Website.
Apply for positions by submitting an application online, (one per position desired), to the Human Resources Department with the information requested on the job vacancy instructions in the upper right hand corner of your résumé.
Your résumé will then be forwarded after the deadline of the position vacancy to the Principal or Supervisor. The Principal or Supervisor will contact you if he/she wishes to interview you.
For further questions or concerns regarding the application process you may call 407.320.0000.
Employment Application and Substitute Teaching (A-I)
Gayle Lawson
Employment Application and Substitute Teaching (J-R)
Lorna Ruiz
Employment Application and Substitute Teaching (S-Z)
Amy Perkins