Step 1 - Determine your school zones based upon your address.
General School Zone Information
Check Your School Zone
If you are zoned to a single school zone (i.e. Longwood Elementary, Greenwood Lakes Middle, Lyman High), please proceed to STEP 2.
If your school zone search indicates elementary zoning of Region 1 (Bentley, Idyllwilde, Wilson), Region 2 (Bentley, Crystal Lake, Wicklow), or Region 3 (Hamilton, Midway, Pine Crest) and you need to register an elementary (K-5) student please follow the process for elementary region school zone assignments before proceeding to STEP 2.
Step 2 - Determine what type of enrollment applies to your student.
New Students
If you are enrolling a student for the very first time into a Seminole County Public School, please continue to STEP 3 below.
Changing SCPS Schools
If your child is currently enrolled in a Seminole County Public School
(including current SCPS VPK Students), print and fill out the form below after withdrawing your student from their current school. Once you have done so, please bring this form along with the required documentation to your new school.

Once you have done so, please bring this form along with the required documentation to your new school.
Step 3 - Download the Registration Requirements.
Step 4 - Gather the documentation listed in the Registration Requirements and finalize enrollment.
Need Help?
For enrollment assistance, please contact your school:
Elementary School Contact Information | Middle School Contact Information | High School Contact Information
For step-by-step instructions and FAQs, visit the Online Enrollment Help page.