Special Projects

Title I funds are used to implement schoolwide programs in all Title I schools. Each school utilizes the processes of completing their School Improvement and Parent Involvement Plans to collaboratively design programs that involve all stakeholders. School plans are available at your child's school. Select Title I schools also receive supplemental funding from the federal and/or state level (i.e. UniSIG, Schools of Hope and Magnet Schools Assistance Program grant funds) to complement support provided under Title I. These grant programs fund school improvement efforts. All Title I grants and special project grants for Title I schools are available upon request.

Title I and special project grant funds are used to provide:

  • Additional school staff for academic support of students

  • Tutorial programs and summer camp

  • Tutorial programs for eligible private school students

  • Professional development for teachers

  • Supplemental materials, supplies and programs to support academic success of students

  • The Big Red Bus, a traveling library summer reading initiative

  • Extended learning day for VPK students at select schools to have the opportunity to learn skills and concepts needed for kindergarten school readiness

  • Family engagement activities and events 

Other grant initiatives include the following:

  • Learning Sciences International (LSI) provides intensive supports to transform leadership, teaching, and learning. Activities to elevate instructional leadership and classroom teaching by the LSI team include: ongoing school visits with embedded professional development for the school's leadership team; frequent classroom walkthroughs for monitoring and feedback purposes; targeted professional development, side-by-side and job-embedded coaching.

  • Code to the Future offers computer science immersion in an integrated curriculum that is motivating for all students. Students learn math concepts, cause and effect, logic sequencing, problem solving, communicating and collaborating skills, and perseverance. Students also learn techniques that help improve skills in reading, writing, and math.

  • Kinder Camp prepares students with the essential skills needed to start the upcoming school year smoothly. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate and vocabulary rich. Incoming kindergartners receive daily instruction in phonics, oral language development, number sense, and science concepts. Students also become familiar with the classroom environment, rules, and getting to know their way around the school. The eight days of camp in the summer help students feel confident to begin school in the fall.

Specific uses of funds vary by school and by special project grant.

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