The department is committed to observing all applicable laws, rules, and regulation as promulgated and amended by the School Board of Seminole County Florida, the State of Florida, and the United States government.
Ethical Practices
The SCPS Purchasing & Distribution Services Department subscribes to the following ethical standards.
To consider first the interest of Seminole County Public Schools in all transactions and to carry out and believe in its established policies.
To obey the letter & spirit of the laws governing the purchasing function & remain alert to the legal ramifications of purchasing decisions.
To represent the Seminole County Public Schools in an exemplary manner, by diligently following the lawful instructions of the District, using reasonable care and only the authority granted. Avoid the intent and appearance of unethical or compromising practices in relationship, actions and communications.
To buy without prejudice, seeking to obtain the maximum ultimate value for each dollar of expenditure. Encouraging all segments of society by extending an opportunity to participate to minority and small businesses.
To handle information that may be considered confidential or proprietary to the School District and/or its suppliers, with due care and proper consideration of ethical and legal ramifications and government regulation.
To refrain from soliciting or accepting gifts & gratuities from present or potential suppliers, which might influence, or denounce all forms & manifestations of commercial bribery.
To refrain from any private business or professional activity that may present a conflict of interest in carrying out the purchasing duties assigned by the School District.
Purchasing Procedures & Guidelines
The processes of bidding or quoting for products or services are established by policy and internal procedures.
School Board policies require that any combination of materials, equipment, supplies and/or services valued in excess of $10,000 be quoted (verbally or written) to at least three or more sources when available.
School Board policies require that any combination of materials, equipment, supplies and/or services valued in excess of $50,000 be bid by a formal written Invitation to Bid (ITB) or Request for Proposal (RFP).
All purchases less than $10,000 are subject to the Purchasing Agent's discretion. Formal Invitations to Bid (ITB) or Requests for Proposal (RFP) are posted on the website, and are advertised in the Sanford Herald every Sunday or as required. In addition SCPS utilizes the services of VendorLink, LLC, the Florida Bid Reporting Service and CMS Bid Search to distribute and notify vendors of pending bids. Purchase orders, contracts, ITB's and RFP's (once awarded) are a matter of public record.
Copies of Bid Tabulations are distributed in the same manner as the original bid. Notice of awards will be mailed to the successful bidders only.
No purchase expending budgeted funds are to be provided without the benefit of a purchase order, issued and signed by the Purchasing & Distribution Services Department or by the using an authorized district Purchasing Card. Verbal orders should not be accepted unless a purchase order number is referenced. Once a purchase order is issued, changes will be made by the issuance of a purchase order change order. All supplier invoices should reference the SCPS purchase order number.
How to Sell to SCPS
The first step is to make you, your capabilities, and your products known to the Purchasing Agent.
Follow up with the Purchasing Agent on a periodic basis. Keep him/her informed of any changes in your company and your product line. Needs may be intermittent, therefore, timely contact is important to keep the Purchasing Agent aware of your interest.
Inquire about other opportunities within the District. Schools have funds at their disposal, which are not budgeted and not spent through the Purchasing & Distribution Services Department. Operational departments such as Maintenance, Transportation and Facilities Planning also have limited direct purchasing authority.
Conflict of Interest
There is a conflict of interest if one of the following conditions exists:
When you are doing business with one's employer: (a) A District employee acting as a purchasing agent is prohibited from purchasing from a business entity in which the employee, his or her spouse, or child owns more than a 5% interest; (b) A District employee acting in a private capacity, also is prohibited from doing business with the District.
A conflicting employment or contractual relationship exists when: (a) A District employee is employed or under contract with any business entity doing business with the District; (b) A District employee is employed or has a contractual relationship which will pose a frequently recurring conflict between private interest and public duties, or which may impede the full and faithful discharge of public duties.
Gifts and Gratuities
No employee will permit any influence, which could conflict with the best interest of the District, or prejudice the District's reputation. Any employee who is offered or receives such payment or gift of more than a nominal value will refuse or return it to the giver, advising the giver of the District's policy prohibiting its acceptance.